The Real Reason Why Netflix Took Down 'Chappelle's Show' After 3 Weeks

The reason for Netflix stopping the streaming is told straight up from him.

Man, there is so much emotion in this clip coming from Dave Chappelle. The way the situation with Comedy Central and his contract and then revealing about pitching it to HBO and them saying "Why do we need you" and now HBO Max actually streaming "Chappelle's Show" is just a slap in the face but he did say that now he tells them "Why do you need me!?" I fucking love it! The relationship with Netflix as he explained is a very straight forward and loyal relationship to be able to call them up and say that he doesn't feel comfortable with them streaming a show that he doesn't get paid for. WOW. The way Dave talks is like you are sitting down for storytime and you are tuned in to listen to every word he says. Shit is crazy, you can still catch "Chappelle's Show" on HBO Max and the skits never get old.

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