What's the Most Common Fear In California? Do You Share this Fear?

According to a recent study, the most common fear in American in 2020 is anthropophobia aka the fear of people. That's not surprising since we're in the middle of a pandemic with a virus that you can catch from someone else.

BUT beyond that, what's the one thing most people in Cali fear?! You're going to be surprised! It's


What the What?! What does this even mean? And what does this even say about us? I have no idea.

So what do other people fear in other states?

Colorado / New Jersey / Oregon / South Carolina - The Dark

Alabama / Tennessee / Vermont - Blood

Alaska / Arkansas / Delaware / Idaho / Iowa / Kansas / Louisiana / Mississippi / New Mexico / South Dakota / West Virginia - People

Arizona / North Carolina / Utah - Failure

Connecticut / Kentucky / Maine / Maryland / Oklahoma / Pennsylvania / Wyoming - Flying

Florida / Nevada - Germs or viruses

Georgia / Texas - The Outside

Hawaii - Heights

Illinois - / New York - Intimacy

Indiana / Minnesota / Missouri - Being Alone

Michigan / Wisconsin - Spiders

Montana / New Hamsphire - Clowns

Nebraska - Public Speaking

North Dakota / Rhode Island - Holes

Ohio / Washington - Needles

Virginia - Snakes

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